#Groundwater control is the process of controlling groundwater levels and flows, typically on a temporary basis to allow excavations to be made below groundwater level in dry and stable conditions with minimal impact to surrounding structures. Geomotion (Singapore) is known for its expertise on delivering effective Ground water control system through #Recharge Wells, #Relief Wells, #Dewatering Wells and #Pumping Test.
Our team has successfully completed Pumping Test on our Project site with Customized Pump & Control Panels to carryout pumping at a constant and controlled discharge Rate as per Design Requirements. If you need more information, please visit our website at www.geomotion.com.sg or drop us a message at [email protected]. Follow our page for more updates. Slope Monitoring becomes crucial to track changes in the stability of slopes with Deep construction works at the bottom of recently built slope. Our team has successfully installed #Embedded strain gauges coupled with #centralhole Loadcells with Automated data acquisition to monitor the Soil Nails installed to ensure #slopestability.
Our #wirelessautomated data acquisition linked to our inhouse data management and reporting interface, #geomotion Cloud enables to have access remotely to the data in near real time If you need more information, please visit our website at www.geomotion.com.sg or drop us a message at [email protected]. Geomotion is the leading one stop provider of #realtime #monitoring #solution, #automated #3d #PrismMonitoring & #Reflectorless #monitoring #sensor & #serviceprovider. Contact us today to find out how we can tailor our solutions to your specific needs and budget. Visit our website at www.geomotion.com.sg or drop us a message at [email protected]. Follow our page for more updates. Geomotion’s #solutions for surface monitoring works, #accurate and #reliable on capturing the surface level by using the proper benchmarks and by doing accurate traverse surveying and processing of the data using our own programmed sheets to nullify the errors occurred during the survey works.
Our Goal is to provide reliable monitoring results every time. Geomotion is one of the trusted specialist in the region and roundly recognized by government bodies. We ensure our instrumentation services continuously meet the most stringent industry quality standards by being accredited by Singapore Accreditation council. Contact us today to find out how we can tailor our solutions to your specific needs and budget. Visit our website at www.geomotion.com.sg or drop us a message at [email protected]. Follow our page for more updates. www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:7160175211592523778/ www.facebook.com/geomotionsg/posts/pfbid0tRihSpULUFWJ7LUyVhjMwEusgFKJwboMbpAS7axemUjiPjuSha7xoezjZHRqtWMbl Geomotion’s #wireless #realtime monitoring solutions #accurate and #reliable data on the #load and #temperature monitoring of your struts, anytime and anywhere #visualize and manage your data on our user-friendly web platform #generate reports #setalerts and share information with your stakeholders.
Contact us today to find out how we can tailor our solutions to your specific needs and budget. Visit our website at www.geomotion.com.sg or drop us a message at [email protected]. Follow our page for more updates. www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7158043910353678338 www.facebook.com/geomotionsg/posts/pfbid02aKSmYYHaueMPjgN1rjAHZzRAK8LGHgVpwnisKY59Y3sdae62sQD6nSym8UA8s7wpl Installation of sensor for automatic water level monitoring during construction activities to monitor any water drawdown in real time. This automatic water level monitoring system with built in battery can be customized for automatic monitoring at interval of minutes to hours as per client’s requirements.
#GeomotionSingapore #Construction #Geotechnical #Automatic #WaterLevelMonitoring If you need more information, please visit our website at www.geomotion.com.sg or drop us a message at [email protected] www.facebook.com/geomotionsg/posts/pfbid0gEusNPU3uMAVcxjPvow8rSFrCZ93FBdKCuciAjxhyoMrff3MGWpwV4kYarfmjdXGl www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7157652051739430912 In #Geomotion (Singapore), we develop our own #Automated #Reflectorless #Monitoring software...for #3D and #1D (Reflector-less) monitoring,
Do contact us if you need more information or require our service: Email us at [email protected] or Call us at +65 6546 5585. www.geomotion.com.sg https://www.facebook.com/geomotionsg/posts/pfbid033w1cNfUVT164J5b51LqrF4pyxqrBbs1WHkXPjUnkqnRLPsmS5wFwemYveFx7kRuxl https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7151046968469786624 On 6-Dec-2022, our Project Director – Waqar Arshad at Geomotion (Singapore) Pte Ltd attended the Symposium at Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia as a speaker.
The topic of his presentation was “Enhance Sustainable and Safe Living Environment through Smart Monitoring”. Over 250 participants from all over the world attended the event physically and online together with the Mayor of Kota Kinabalu. Mr. Waqar Arshad shared his experience and thoughts as a speaker about the importance of smart instrumentation and soil investigation works in the construction and development of a smart water front city. Furthermore he shared the latest advanced technologies used to acquire quality data’s in a timely manner that is key for the successful development and construction of smart city as well as for long term asset monitoring. To learn more about Geomotion (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, visit www.geomotion.com.sg The Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) is an efficient way for Singapore’s used water management. DTSS uses deep tunnels to convey used water entirely by gravity to three centralised treatment plants strategically located at coastal areas. The treated used water is then reclaimed and further purified into NEWater, with excess effluent discharged to the sea in an environmentally responsible manner. Below is an image of the Automated Deformation Monitoring System installed to monitor the ground settlement along Ayer Rajah Expressway during tunnelling works.
AuthorGeomotion Singapore Archives
February 2024
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